Time management for the teen with ID in the workplace

Part of being successful at work is having good time management skills. Depending upon how your Intellectual Disability(ID) affects your understanding of time, you may need to put some strategies into place to help you with this.

If you are undertaking work experience as part of your school curriculum then you are going to have to manage your weekdays differently. If you have a part time job that is after school or on a weekend then you will have to manage the demands of school work, family and leisure activities.

So you need to get organised and manage your time. Here are some suggestions for you to think about:

  • Get routines into your weekdays and weekends
  • Organise your homework so it is manageable
  • Get your clothing organised especially if a uniform is required for work or sporting activities
  • Think about a schedule to help you with organising yourself
  • Do I understand time – how can I manage this, could technology, alarms help me with this

As a teenager you are going to want to be doing lots of things that are going to take up your time. You need to prioritise these so that you can manage all of these demands and not become stressed and risk not doing a good job at work as this could result in you losing your job.

If you have a significant ID then you are going to have to rely on others to support you in aspects of time management to get you to where you need to be. Remember this is okay, we all need other people to help us at times.


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