Many teenagers are keen to get a part time job while at school. Having a part time job will give you a small income, responsibility and help you to understand the requirements of a workplace. When you start considering getting a job, there are a number of things that you need to think about first. Let’s have a look at some of the things that you need to think about and get organised.
First you will need to create a resume, this is a document that contains the following information:
- Personal details- name, address, contact details
- Personal attributes- reliability, commitment, honesty
- Skills- practical, technology etc
- Experience- prior work in the area or similar through volunteering or work experience
- Referees- usually two to three people who know you well, that an employer can contact to verify the information in your resume and to ask further questions
Once you have completed this you need to consider how your ADHD if at all, will impact upon jobs you apply for. You need to be aware of your levels of distractibility, concentration, hyperactivity, impulsivity and your communication and social skills. Consider what jobs would be too difficult for you to manage and also what successful strategies you have in place that would support you in a workplace.
Next you need to search for and apply for a job. Some of your classmates may have jobs and they might be able to link you into a job. Family and other friends may also know of jobs that you may be interested in. Searching for jobs online by looking for a specific job or looking at employment agency sites is another way to find a job.
There may be a need for you to apply formally for a job by responding to certain criteria. This might be online or by submitting a hard copy application. If your application is successful, you will then be asked to attend an interview. An interview could be with one person or with a couple of people. This can be a time of stress for anyone, but possibly more so for you due to your ADHD, so it would be a good idea to ask your teachers, family and friends to help you prepare by having a mock interview with you. This way you will be prepared a little better for the real one when it happens.
If you are successful in getting the part time job you are then going to need to make sure that you are organised. You are going to need to manage the responsibilities that you have at home, school and work. This is not easy but there are things you can put in place to help.