When you are thinking about finding a part time job you first need to get yourself organised. Looking for a job can be a difficult task for most people. Hopefully you will have had some experience with work through work experience organised by your school. Often through family and friends you may have been offered some part time work or a volunteering role. Volunteering can often lead to a job when something becomes available.
So how do you get ready? The following is a list of a number of things that you need to think about so you will be ready when you wish to start trying to look for a job or a work opportunity comes up:
- Understand what your skills are
- Understand how your ID might affect you in the workplace and what could be in place to support you
- Develop a resume
- Know how to look for a job
- Know how to apply for a job
- Learn how to prepare for an interview
- Make sure you have good communication skills
- Understand that there maybe workplace issues
- Think about how you will get to and from work
- Who could you ask to help you with some of the above things
When you are successful in gaining your part time job you need to be able to manage this alongside your school and family commitments. If you don’t succeed in getting the first job you apply for, don’t give up, very few of us get the first job we apply for, it takes time. If you have an associated learning disability such as Autism Spectrum Disorder(ASD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD) you will also need to consider how to manage these in your search and applications for a job.