Planning meetings are a process that schools have in place to assist teachers and families to support student learning. Planning meetings can be requested by families and school staff to discuss how a student is managing at school and at home. Schools function differently in how they manage these meetings and what they are called. There are several acronyms in education and these planning meetings can be referred to by a number of names, but basically they have the same function and purpose, that is to support student learning needs. They can be referred to as:
- SSG – Student Support Group
- PSG – Program Support Group
- ISG – Individual Support Group
Several people can be involved in these meetings and they can be scheduled regularly throughout the school year or as required. So who could be involved:
- Parents/Caregivers/Parent support person
- Principal or nominee
- Class Teacher and Specialist Teachers (if applicable)
- Psychologist (if applicable)
- Psychiatrist (if applicable)
- Speech therapist (if applicable)
- Student (if applicable)
As mentioned the function and purpose of the meeting is to support your child’s individual learning needs. This is done by:
- Identifying your child’s areas of strength and challenge
- Gaining a shared understanding of what your child needs
- Identifying any concerns you might have from a home perspective and any from the school point of view
- Setting learning and social goals to help your child to continue to grow and develop academically, socially and emotionally
- Discussing and gaining agreement on what strategies to be used for a consistent approach
It is important to prepare for these meetings so that the best outcomes can be achieved. If you know that your child has or may have further learning challenges such as Autism Spectrum Disorder(ASD) or Intellectual Disability(ID) then it is important to have this information available to present at the meeting. Planning meetings are a valuable tool to create positive communication with the school which will support your child’s development into the future.