As a parent you may well ask yourself ‘where do I start and how do I get help?’ Having a suspicion or in response to someone else’s comment about your child can lead to anxiety and stress. It can also be a way to get support services and intervention for your child.
The flowchart following may help you organise your thoughts and think about what needs to be done and in what order.
Suspicion of a neurodevelopmental disorder
Something is not quite right, could it be ASD?
Document your observations of your child
What are you seeing or not seeing, what comments are you hearing from other people?
Speak with your medical practitioner and ask for a referral for an assessment with:
Diagnosis is confirmed as ASD without an associated learning disability:
If your child is under 5 years of age
Register with your local provider to access Early Intervention Services and register with disability services
If your child is school age
Make an appointment with the school principal to discuss implications for educational pathways and adjustments that may be required, provide documentation to the school to obtain further funding for school support and register with disability services
For the young adult
This information will provide information for post school pathways to study and employment for ‘reasonable accommodations’ to be made.
Diagnosis is confirmed as ASD with a possible associated learning disability:
Referral for a cognitive assessment to identify IQ
Eg an IQ in the normal range above 70, mild range 70 – 55 or severe range below 55
Referral for ADHD assessment
If you believe your child or the young adult shows signs of – inattentiveness and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity
If your child is under 5 years of age
Register with your local provider to access Early Intervention Services and register with disability services
If your child is school age
Make an appointment with the school principal to discuss implications for educational pathways and adjustments that may be required, provide documentation to the school to obtain further funding for school support and register with disability services
For the young adult
This information will provide information for post school pathways to study and employment for ‘reasonable accommodations’ to be made.