Many of us commence work while we are still at school by having a part time job. For some of us this may not happen until we leave school.
To begin the transition to work process think about what skills you have and what you are interested in. Remember to think about how your Intellectual Disability(ID) will impact upon your choices and what could be put in place in the work environment to help you. Depending upon your level of ID you may choose to work full time or part time. Your work could be in open or supported employment.
While you are still at school talk to your teachers about subjects or work experience that may be required to help you get a job in the area you are interested in. Discuss the job choices you are thinking about so you can get more information about the number of jobs available, types of jobs, whether you would have to do further study and how you would look for a job.
Talk with your family, friends and teachers about whether they could link you with someone in the industry so you can get a better understanding of the job requirements and possibly some volunteer or work experience. You will need to develop a resume. A resume lists your personal details, skills, interests, any work experience or voluntary work you have done, any awards or achievements and your referees. Referees are important people that an employer will phone these people to get further information about you to see if you are a suitable employee. A resume is something that your teacher or family could help you to develop.
There are many places to search for a job. Every job usually requires you to have an interview. Ask your teacher to help you prepare for an interview by asking you questions similar to an interview.
Skills and interests
Think about areas of work experience you have had while at school along with your skills and interests for possible employment
Talk with your family, friends and teachers
Ask their advice about different jobs and what might be required
Get work experience or volunteer
Ask your teachers if they can link you to work experience while you are at school
Prepare a resume
Get your teachers to help you develop a resume
Search for and apply for a job
The internet has is a great way to search for a job. Also talk with your family, friends and teachers to see if they can help
Prepare for an interview
Every job requires an interview, ask your teachers to help you with this by creating a mock interview and asking you questions.