Teaching children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder(ASD) requires a knowledge and understanding of how each individual processes the information that surrounds them and how...
For teachers, a student with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD) can present many challenges for the classroom dynamic. The inattentive, impulsive and hyperactive nature of...
If you are on work experience or you have been successful in getting a part time job then you want to keep it. To...
In many instances work experience will be a component of your secondary education program. There will be some teens who will also get themselves...
Some days things just happen and things go wrong. When this happens we need to be ready to manage it. You will have had...
Part of being successful at work is having good time management skills. Depending upon how your Intellectual Disability(ID) affects your understanding of time, you...
When you are thinking about finding a part time job you first need to get yourself organised. Looking for a job can be a...
The workplace has a number of rules in place so that things work efficiently. When you commence work you will usually have what is...
Things can happen at work that may mean a change to your normal routine or job requirements. Sometimes we manage these changes and sometimes...
Time management is critical for success for many things in life but for work it’s essential. If you have been successful in getting a...
Finding a job means having some idea of what you want to do. The first things you need to think about are, what are...
Changing employment can be by choice or by the decision of your boss. It is not unusual for people to change employment many times...
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